
Read what people like you say!

5 star rating

Superb course

anne mays

Absolutely brilliant course, can’t recommend it enough, take your time to watch the videos and spend hours crafting those drawings, you won’t regret it. Your...

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Absolutely brilliant course, can’t recommend it enough, take your time to watch the videos and spend hours crafting those drawings, you won’t regret it. Your drawing skills will get a huge boost.

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5 star rating

A must for anyone

Susan Buckley

Very comprehensive course with challenging modules to give confidence and successful results.

Very comprehensive course with challenging modules to give confidence and successful results.

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5 star rating

Drawing for Beginners

Coleman Callaway

A nice pace for a total beginner. Lots of practical tips.

A nice pace for a total beginner. Lots of practical tips.

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5 star rating

Complete Drawing course

Lyndal Bond

This was a fantastic introduction into every aspect of drawing. I am a complete beginner and learnt a lot. Also Michele gives really useful and timely feed...

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This was a fantastic introduction into every aspect of drawing. I am a complete beginner and learnt a lot. Also Michele gives really useful and timely feedback

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5 star rating

Title is appropriate for the content of this course.

Lori Donohue

Michele does an expert job at laying out and building upon the skills introduced and explained in this beginner drawing class.

Michele does an expert job at laying out and building upon the skills introduced and explained in this beginner drawing class.

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4 star rating


Judith Sutcliffe

I love drawing this course has showed me how to improve

I love drawing this course has showed me how to improve

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5 star rating

great beginner fundamentals

J Dykes

5 star rating

Drawing for beginners

Sarah Brocklebank

Brilliant course. Very clear and helpful instructions. Thank you Michele

Brilliant course. Very clear and helpful instructions. Thank you Michele

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Getting the basics right is so important!

Learn to draw with Michele and master the three main pillars of drawing successfully:


    In a recent survey, students told us that this is their biggest issue. Learn why your brain does not always accurately relay information to your hands, discover new methods for scaling and measuring, and never again get half way through a drawing and realise things are the wrong size or in the wrong place!


    This is a huge issue for many people, yet you probably find the very idea of perspective to be scary. In this course the perspective tricks are hidden in the lessons. Which means no math, just really useful, subject-specific strategies. Learn the simple tricks that enable you to draw exactly what you see.


    When your scale and perspective are correct you are a good way towards realism. Clever blending and texture techniques will get you the final touches you need to achieve realistic results, from rugged landscapes and buildings to smooth glass and ceramics, life like portraits, soft furry animals and more.

Anyone can learn to draw...

And anyone can improve; you just need the right tuition, and the right course:

Is this course for YOU?

Improve your drawing skills today!

  • Are you are a complete beginner starting from scratch who wants to learn to draw?

  • Perhaps you wish to improve your drawing skills for painting, crafting or other mediums

  • Maybe you avoid certain subjects because you lack the confidence to accurately draw them

  • Did you throw yourself into learning to paint but now find your drawing skills are letting you down?

Meet your tutor: Over 8 million people have viewed Michele's drawing tutorials on YouTube!

Michele has over 25 years experience teaching painting and drawing in the UK and Europe. She has taught thousands of students at hundreds of venues. She is a published commercial illustrator, exhibition curator, and has given lectures and demonstrations to art clubs, societies and on radio. Her tutorials have been published in magazines and seen on Sky TV. Her YouTube channel has over 150K subscribers, with videos viewed over eight million times.

What do real people just like you say about the course?


  • Karen Moulton, Little Rock, Arkansas, US

    I just finished your Drawing course. It is the second drawing course I have ever taken and the first one was not nearly as comprehensive as yours. What I really liked about yours was that it teaches beginners the very basics of drawing – and you walk us through how you look at an object to draw and how to position it on the paper. Really, really useful tips on perspective as well. I just loved the course and think you are a remarkable teacher. Everything is plainly explained. Well done, Michele and thank you for this course. Five stars!!!!!!

  • Kathy Butkus, Belvidere, Illinois, USA

    I have pored through this class and I’ve done all of the reference pictures offered. I truly have improved my drawing skills and for once I feel I have gotten what I paid for. I am a big fan of this lovely lady Michele Webber and enjoy her teaching style. She gets it done. I am now going to repeat each lessons with reference pictures I find while I add these drawings to my journal. My goal is to to do my own underdrawings for my own artwork. So many helpful tips and tricks in this class that just make me feel like an artist. Thank you Michele for quality teaching. I apologize for gushing but I am taking more classes with you!

Start learning to draw today!

From materials, tools, scaling and texture to drawing tips and solutions for many different subjects, you will gain the confidence to tackle any drawing!

Your course includes:

  • Lifetime access! Fit the course to your lifestyle; take a break, re-watch anything, no deadlines

  • A dedicated Facebook support group you can join, just for Michele's online students

  • A handy site access guide to help you log in and navigate

  • 10 Modules (lessons) Each teaches you two main subjects including the basics of choosing materials, scale, proportion, shading, layout, composition

  • You will learn the basics of drawing landscapes, people, animals & birds, flowers, trees, transport, still life & buildings. The principles learned will enable you to tackle any subject you may come across in the future.

  • Your 10 Printable PDF step by step guides accompany the video lessons, each with screenshots or graphics to illustrate the techniques; especially handy if you can't paint near your computer or device

  • 20 downloadable copyright free photos for you to practice what you learn

  • NEW for 2023 - Two bonus full step by step tutorials; create a full drawing with Michele. Make a beautiful cat in Graphite Pencil or try a Portrait using the Aux Trois Crayons traditional three color method used by famous artists since the 15th century!

Anyone can learn to draw their favorite subjects:

Tackle the issues that hold you back...


    Do you struggle to get proportions right when drawing people or animals? A mistake is often to go right to the details, or start with a face, without considering the whole image, or how it will fit onto the paper. If you have ever started to draw an animal and found part of it goes off the edge of the paper? Or drawn a beautiful pair of eyes only to find that the portrait you are trying to create just doesn't look right, this may be your problem, and this course will help you to solve it for once and for all. You will also learn how using guidelines can help your with both animal and human face proportions.


    Getting a sense of depth to a landscape is more than just about perspective. Many subtle things combine to make it look like you can 'walk into' a picture. Our brains struggle to compute everything we are seeing, and they take shortcuts, leading to inaccuracy in our drawings. Did you know that if you draw a building in a landscape you will almost certainly make it too large? This is because your brain has it tagged as a 'large' item. This course will teach you to rely on careful observation over first impressions.


    Observation is key for botanicals too. Do all your flowers face forwards? Perhaps your tree branches look unrealistic. I used to dread drawing trees in my landscapes, until I learned to really observe how they grew. There is such a vast range of different types of flower and plant that they could never all be included in one course. BUT you can learn how to observe, and follow my unique method for facing any flower in any direction, making your botanicals look less like flat wall paper and more like the living, growing parts of our world that they are.

What do real people just like you say about the course?


  • Melanie Baynes, Sheffield, UK

    Michele you are a FANTASTIC teacher, I love how you break the techniques down so that they are easily understood by the most 'beginningest' beginner and you are always on hand with advice and encouragement. I love how you have set up a separate Facebook group for your online course students, and you are always on hand with advice and encouragement. What more can I say?!

  • Julia Fanning, Sandweiler, Luxembourg

    I have completed your drawing course except for the final excercises and wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed. Despite watercolour painting for some years it is the first time I have tried to learn to draw. Thank you so much. I feel I have the tools now to try and draw. You simplified the complications of perspective to simple questions. I would recommend this course to anyone. In fact I wish it had existed 20 years ago!

  • Colleen B McChesney, Etta, Mississipi, USA

    Despite watercolour painting for some years it is the first time I have tried to learn to draw. Thank you so much. I feel I have the tools now to try and draw anything and it has given me much to think about. I would recommend this course to anyone. In fact I wish it had existed 20 years ago! As I finished this course, I felt a variety of emotions. Nervous to begin, confident as I improved, happy & amazed by what I achieved, & a bit sad that I have successfully finished the course now. A great teacher makes you feel all of this.

Just some of the things you will learn in this course:

  • Understand how to choose the right materials so you don't waste money!

  • Scaling techniques to ensure you never again end up with an out of proportion drawing

  • Learn the secret, easy techniques and tools professional artists use for amazing results

  • Make your drawings look three dimensional with clever shading and texture tricks

  • Gain confidence by learning strategies that you can transfer to any subject

  • Get rid of the fear and worry that makes you avoid certain subjects

Price includes lifetime access

Sometimes life gets busy! Complete at your own speed and re-visit modules as often as you like...


  • Where can I see the full curriculum?

    Simply scroll right to the bottom of this page!

  • How much is the course in British pounds or other currency?

    The exchange rate changes every day but you can get a rough idea by putting the question into Google. There may be slight variations depending on which conversion metrics the Thinkific site is using but you can certainly get a good idea of the approximate price. Remember to do this on the same day you intend to buy the course. When you buy Thinkific will automatically convert the price to charge you the right amount of money for your local currency.

  • What if I don't have Paypal?

    Paypal is just a method by which the site receives payment, in *most* countries you can pay with your usual credit or debit card, payments are also accepted by Stripe.

  • What support will I get?

    In addition to email access to Michele, there is a dedicated Facebook group, just for students of Michele’s Thinkific courses, where you can compare results and get advice alongside other students. If you have any access or log in issues or trouble understanding how to navigate the site there's a free PDF guide that will make everything clear. If the guide doesn't work just email for tech support. Please allow extra time at weekends - a real person will reply, we don't use bots.

  • How long will I have access to the course for?

    After you buy the course you have lifetime access, you can take the course at your leisure and re-visit any of the modules you like. Plus you will automatically have access to any additional content or upgrades that are added at a later date as Michele often adds new materials to refresh her courses!

  • How is the course structured?

    There are 10 modules, each with a full video tutorial, and two downloadable PDFs. The first PDF is an illustrated step by step of the techniques and processes taught in the video, it also includes additional tips and advice to ensure understanding and success. The second PDF gives you two copyright free photographs to complete larger drawings from (optional but recommended). This core part of the course covers materials, methods and subjects. Additional optional bonus tutorials at the end of the course allow you to follow along completing full artworks with Michele.

  • What materials will I need to buy?

    If you already have cartridge (sketching) paper, pencils and an eraser you may not need to buy anything initially. I will not be insisting you have exact materials and brands. However, there will be a video and downloadable PDF with tons of advice and suggested materials so you can choose what to buy if you don’t have anything. The great thing about this course is drawing is a very cheap hobby!

  • What if I want a refund?

    Sometimes people buy in error or have other reasons for wanting a refund. These are entertained whenever possible. Please be aware that we no longer give 100% refunds as there are many costs involved in offering a course for sale including site hosting fees, admin support and currency conversion/payment fees. Please also be aware that in the 'back end' of the site we can see which modules you have accessed with times watched etc. Therefore you will be offered a refund of up to 80% dependent on how much of the course you have accessed and watched.

Start learning to draw with confidence now!

Course curriculum

What's in the course? Read on! You can watch the introduction video too...

  • 2

    Thinkific Course Access and Log in Guide

    • Access and Log in Guide (IMPORTANT! Download and save it to your PC - I get more emails about log in issues than anything else, this will get you back into your course!)

  • 3

    Module 1: Materials and Shading

    • Module 1: Materials and Shading

  • 4

    Module 2: Scaling Methods

    • Module 2: Scaling Methods

  • 5

    Module 3: Still Life and Buildings

    • Module 3: Still Life and Buildings

  • 6

    Module 4: Flowers, Leaves, Gardens and Trees

    • Module 4: Flowers, Leaves, Gardens and Trees

  • 7

    Module 5: Landscapes and Seascapes

    • Module 5: Landscapes and Seascapes

  • 8

    Module 6: Faces and Figures

    • Module 6: Faces and Figures

  • 9

    Module 7: Animals and Birds

    • Module 7: Animals and Birds

  • 10

    Module 8: Cars, Trains, Boats and Planes

    • Module 8: Cars, Trains, Boats and Planes

  • 11

    Module 9: Text and Hands

    • Module 9: Text and Hands

  • 12

    Module 10: Texture, Hair, Fur and Grass

    • Module 10: Texture, Hair, Fur and Grass

  • 13

    Bonus Step by Step Tutorial - Cat In Graphite Pencil

    • Bonus Module Cat - Video 1

    • Bonus Module Cat - Video 2

    • Bonus Module Cat - Video 3

    • Bonus Module Cat - Video 4

  • 14

    Bonus Step by Step Tutorial - Three Color Portrait (Aux Trois Crayons method)

    • Bonus Module Portrait - Video 1

    • Bonus Module Portrait - Video 2

    • Bonus Module Portrait - Video 3

    • Bonus Module Portrait - Video 4